Doberman Dan asks himself a question that could be worth a whoooooole lotta loot for you...
What would I do if I were...
Dear Friend,
Recently I asked myself a question.
And if you need a predictable, dependable and reliable flow of new customers... then stick with me for the next few minutes and you’ll see how my “one question” could make you a big ole pile o’ dough.
Again, the question was...
What would I do if I was desperate for money?
And... what if the ONLY way out of my desperate situation was to create a new front-end offer that converts successfully with cold traffic.
OK, so technically, that’s two questions. Let’s not nit-pick, OK? ’Cuz this could be worth a fortune to you.
Thank goodness this was only a hypothetical question. Because I’m not desperate for money right now.
Although... many, many times in the past I’ve been in desperate situations exactly like this. And I did create front-end promotions while the checking account was overdrawn, the cupboards were bare, and the wolf was at the door.
You see, I’ve been forced to work under great duress, anxiety and urgency many times in the past... with the goal of saving myself from my self-created financial desperation.
Or an even worse fate...
I’ve been so desperate for money in the past... if I didn’t get a business going, I was gonna be forced to get a... [gasp]... a... geez, I feel nauseous just thinking about it...
A... a... a... job!
A lot of times many of those ‘started-out-of-desperation’ front end funnels didn’t work.
But... several did.
And a few of those ‘created-under-duress’ front-end promotions blossomed into businesses that made fortunes.
Such is the life of a serial entrepreneur...
© 2024 Doberman Dan Publishing LLC
603 E Fort King St #1041
Ocala FL 34471
(800) 290-2817
And what if the ONLY way out of my desperate situation was to create a new front-end offer that converts successfully with cold traffic?
Read on to discover why my answer to that question could make you a whoooooole lotta loot...
Sometimes You Make a Fortune... And... Sometimes You Lose a Fortune!
After creating customer acquisition funnels time and time again over the last quarter of a century...
Using online media, offline media and sometimes a multichannel approach...
In all kinds of markets and niches... from the most obscure “subculture” niches to mega-huge, mass markets...
I’ve been fortunate to discover (by investing my own money) what works, and more importantly, what doesn’t work to attract a big surge of new customers.
And, if you’ll let me, I’d like to share that quarter of a century’s worth of experience with you.
Hence the reason I asked myself this hypothetical question.
However, after percolating on it for a few weeks, I decided that my original question wasn’t good enough.
That’s why I took it one step further and made it a three-part question:
- What would I do if I was desperate for money?
- What if the only way out of my desperate situation was to create a front-end offer that converted successfully with cold traffic? And...
- Based on what’s happening in the economy right this very minute... how can I make the highest possible profits from those new customers... as soon as possible?
Listen, this isn’t based on theory, what I’ve done in the distant past or what I hope will work. This is what’s working for me and many other savvy online marketers right this very minute.
You see, based on what I see happening in the global economy... and what now appears to be inevitable (and dramatic) changes coming in the next 6 to 12 months... if I needed to make “maximum money in minimum time,” this is...
The ONLY Way I Would Launch A New Customer Acquisition Funnel!
And that’s exactly what I’m gonna let you look over my shoulder and discover in my latest release.
I’m calling it New Customer Bonanza... and here’s what you’ll soon discover...
- Knowing what I know now... after more than 25 years using direct response marketing online and offline to create new customer funnels... this is the ONLY market and demographic I would target. (Get this right and your cost per acquisition won’t be a constant struggle like it is for the LMMs -- lesser mortal marketers. In fact, EVERYTHING will go much smoother once you know this.)
- My jealously guarded secret for getting more from less! (This is how you get more profit with less customers, less advertising costs, less overhead costs, less employees... or maybe even NO employees.)
- A little-known (and simple) 8-step method for creating offers that will be irresistible to your target market. (Once you know this, you’ll see your customers practically dislocating their shoulders reaching for their wallets!)
- Why you should NEVER sell products and services! (Sell this instead... and watch prospects line up and practically BEG you to take their money!)
- What to do if you’re not a great copywriter and don’t have the money to hire one. (Here’s a simple 3-step system to create “GE” sales copy that gets dozens, hundreds, and perhaps even thousands of new customers each day!)
- How to use a “Columbo” offer to bump up your AOV (average order value), lower your CPA (cost per acquisition) and even help boost your LCV (lifetime customer value!)
- An overlooked way to get new customers for FREE! (This has nothing to do with organic traffic, SEO or joint ventures. It’s a unique way of creating a valuable marketing asset that allows you to add tons of new paying customers to your list... at NO cost to you!)
If those were the only things you discover from this new product you could still create a mad rush of new customers and make a small a fortune.
But that’s not all you’ll get. What I just shared is only scratching the surface.
There’s a LOT more you’ll discover... like...
- A HUGE mistake many marketers make with their upsells. (If you're making this rookie error, you’re not only hurting your reputation, credibility and killing any chance of getting more sales in the future... you're causing your refund rate to SKYROCKET!)
- How many upsells are needed to maximize your average order value... and how many just annoy your new customers and repel sales? Finally... here’s how to know for sure. (The answer might surprise you!)
- My “paradoxical downsell” that consistently gets customers to buy a product they said “no” to only seconds before... at the exact same price they said “no” to! (This has nothing to do with offering split payment plans, trials or 30-day holds. All the “experts” told me it would never work... but it works like crazy! And I’ve only seen one other marketer do this.)
- Should you offer free trials to your continuity programs? (Ask yourself these two questions to know for sure.)
- If you need to make profits as soon as possible after your customer acquisition costs, this is the ONLY demographic you should target. (It only represents about 4% of any market... but by focusing your marketing on only this segment, you can make BIG "chunks" of profits fast.)
- How to get more profit -- in some cases, MUCH more profit -- from less! (This is the process I developed -- during one of my periods of financial desperation -- that allows you to have less of all the overhead costs necessary to support a business. While making as much profit -- or more! -- than a business 100 times bigger whose owner doesn’t know these secrets.)
- Four tested and proven ways I’ve been able to get a “yes” from 30% of the prospects who said “no” to my upsells. (Knowing these is CRUCIAL for getting your AOV as high as possible so you don’t lose money on your customer acquisition costs.)
These are the true insiders secrets you can only discover by working with a seasoned, proven-in-the-heat-of-battle, 'ole skool' marketing veteran.
Take me up on this offer today and you’ll have an exclusive ‘look over my shoulder' at all of 'em.
Place your order today and here’s what you’ll get:
But that’s not all.
There’s something else I’d like to give you to help you make as much money -- as quickly as possible -- from your flow of new customers.
Take me up on this offer today and I’ll include a...
- Why high pressure selling high-ticket deals almost never works... and the one low-pressure, easy going, almost magic way to attract prospects who are ready to sign up with you IMMEDIATELY!
- The exact words to use on your website -- and in all your client prospecting materials -- to qualify your potential clients before you reply to them. (This does away with more than 95% of your prospecting problems automatically!)
- The “theater” secret that attracts dozens and even hundreds of qualified client prospects to you like a high-powered electric magnet! (It’s completely under the radar so none of your competitors will know what you’re doing... but it works like CRAZY.)
- The six signs of a “home run” client... a client who will pay you tens of thousands of dollars... or more! (With this unique method you’ll soon see that it’s not at all unusual to have a full roster of clients who are happy to pay you high fees!)
- Why getting a "no" from your prospects is an almost guaranteed way of enjoying a MORE-than-50% closing rate when selling your high-ticket programs. (It's counterintuitive... and totally off the radar of all the self-proclaimed "experts"... but it works like gangbusters!)
- If your goal is to sell high-ticket, here's why the old "ascension model" is now highly inefficent... and what you should do instead. (If you do it like the "experts" teach, the ascension model is actually PREVENTING you from getting to the big money as soon as possible.)
- And MUCH more!
Accept my offer TODAY and you'll get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this FREE BONUS that reveals the behind-the-scenes secrets that are now responsible for almost 60% of my business income.
And you’ll never see or understand these jealously guarded details just by observing my business from the outside.
You get a complete 'open the kimono' look at EVERYTHING I’ve learned about selling high-ticket... the easiest, simplest and most enjoyable way.
Most of it learned the HARD way... through lots of failures... lots of lost time and a TON of lost money, too.
The good news is that now you won’t have to go through the same learning curve -- and the accompanying emotional pain and financial loss -- to discover all these secrets. Because I’ve gone through all that misery FOR you.
These are the time tested, proven strategies and tactics I wish I’d had when I first started selling high-ticket programs.
They’re the insider secrets that can very quickly transform your business from an 'eat what you kill' business... with a pathetic, low closing rate... to a predictable and reliable MONEY MACHINE.
Because when you do it like I show you in High-Ticket Selling System... you're not just getting access to a much more effective and enjoyable way to sell high-ticket programs... you're getting a...
Wealth Producing Asset!
That’s exactly what it has done for me... and can do for YOU, too.
And now, with what I reveal in my High-Ticket Selling System, you can do that WITHOUT the decade-long learning curve I had to go through.
Listen... if you try to navigate these waters without me... and think you can just observe what I’m doing from the outside and duplicate it... you’re gonna LOSE lots of money and time trying to figure it all out on your own.
In the BEST-case scenario, you’ll only make a teeny tiny fraction of the money you COULD be making.
Or... in the WORST-case scenario, your high-ticket offers will crash and burn before they even get off the ground... you’ll never make a dime... and you’ll feel discouraged, dejected and depressed.
You see, I’ve made ALL the possible mistakes you can make trying to sell high-ticket. So unless you actually want to lose lots of money while doing ENDLESS grunt work... and feeling like a telephone is glued to your ear night and day... you MUST avoid making the same mistakes.
And avoiding all those mistakes is EXACTLY what I’ll help you do for you when you take me up on my offer today.
Use this Fast Action FREE Bonus in conjunction with the front-end funnels you create with New Customer Bonanza... and you’ll have a tried-and-true way to get new high-value customers... and a way to monetize them as soon as possible.
The High-Ticket Selling System currently sells on its own for $299. However, take advantage of this New Customer Bonanza special offer TODAY and you’ll get the High-Ticket Selling System as a “fast action” bonus...
Absolutely FREE!
Let me sum all this up for ya...
If you just want to go from Point A (no customers, no sales and no money)...
To Point B (getting customers, sales and money)...
And you want to do it in the quickest, most efficient, most effective way possible... then New Customer Bonanza is...
But make no mistake about it... even though this plan is both simple and fast, I never said it was easy.
In fact, after more than 30 years as a serial entrepreneur (40 years if you include my childhood entrepreneurial ventures), I’ve not found ANYTHING in business to be easy.
And that means this:
If you’re one of the millions of what I call DDDs (dopamine dependent dreamers)... the “opportunity seeker” types who only dream but never do... then...
This Is Not For You!
Because this is real world, tried and true online marketing info for a REAL entrepreneur/marketer. The person who takes action and implements what’s necessary to start and grow a business.
So... if you’re an entrepreneur or marketer not afraid of a little work... and you implement good ideas when you see ‘em... then I want to make this...
100% Risk Free!
Listen, lots of people selling how-to info in the “Internet Marketing/make money online” space make all kinds of promises of grand riches, success, mansions, Porsches, a bevy of busty beauties... and all that jazz.
Sadly, a lot of these folks are selling hot air based only on theory. Because, ironically, many have never actually done what they’re trying to sell you.
So I think it’s smart to be a little skeptical these days.
Having said that, I gotta tell you this:
It amuses me when people ask about a guarantee.
Because any REAL entrepreneur knows that in life -- and especially in business -- you can't guarantee nut'n honey.
Once you understand that, then you’ll understand this:
I can't guarantee you any specific results. For a couple of reasons.
First and foremost... (and I never see anybody in the “make money online” space saying this)...
YOU Are Responsible For Your Success!
(Or failure)
And that depends on your attitude, intention and mindset. (After four decades of serial entrepreneurship, that has been confirmed a MILLION times over.)
Second, your success with this information depends on you implementing it.
Duh, right? But you'd be surprised at how many consumers of info products are only that... consumers. And very, very few ever implement the info they consume.
Even more amazing, many who never implement often whine, cry and complain, "It didn't work for me."
Hmmmmmm... can you say “delusional?”
It makes no sense whatsoever. But here's the thang:
In this letter I’ve said that this is easier (with emphasis on the "er") than other ways of getting new customers and monetizing those customers as soon as possible.
But... I never said it was "easy."
Simple, yes.
But easy?
Look, I’ve not found anything in business to be easy. If you want easy, you should have a j-o-b, not a business.
Because to get this stuff producing results in your own business takes patience, persistence and the desire to make it work for you.
And if you're not that type of person -- a TRUE entrepreneur -- then there's nothing I can do to turn you into the person you need to be to experience success.
Therefore, as much as I’ve tried to repel the DDDs (dopamine-dependent dreamers) and do-nothing opportunity seeking junkies in this letter... just in case a few have made it this far... let me say this:
In this current reality in which we poor banished children of Eve have been born into exile... NOTHING is guaranteed.
That goes double if you own a business.
A REAL entrepreneur understands this.
In other words...
And those results will be had by doing the only thing you can control... your ACTIONS!
Invest in New Customer Bonanza today... and you'll get detailed instructions about the actions you need to take to make this work for you.
All the rest of the stuff you need... right attitude, perseverance and the audacity to believe that you can make a fortune with it (and you can)... only YOU can provide, ya dig?
Okey, dokey. Now that I’ve gotten that little rant outta my system, let’s get back to...
My “Gentleman’s Handshake” Guarantee
New Customer Bonanza is only $299. (Order before the countdown timer at the top of the page goes to zero and get a HALF OFF discount!) And that's a crazy low price compared to your potential ROI.
However, if for some reason you don't think you're getting the value I promised in this letter, OF COURSE I'll refund your money.
And you won’t have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it either.
You’ve got a full 60 days to check this out and get it implemented in your business.
If within that 60-day period you want a refund for any reason, just email Jackie in Customer Support and request your refund. It’s as simple as that.
That way there’s no risk at all in giving this a try.
If you need a predictable, dependable and reliable flow of new customers... and a tested and proven way to make the highest possible profits from those new customers as soon as possible...
Then click the button below to get INSTANT ACCESS to New Customer Bonanza.
All the best,

P.S. If you were to order both New Customer Bonanza and the High Ticket Selling System at their regular prices, you'd pay $598. And based on the results you can get with both, that would still be a screamin' bargain.
However... New Customer Bonanza is only $299... AND you get the High Ticket Selling System (a true $299 value) as a FREE BONUS! (Order before the countdown timer at the top of the page goes to zero and get a HALF OFF discount!)
And don't forget... you get a 60-day money back guarantee, too.
So let me just say this one last time:
Take action NOW.
Otherwise, you run the risk of missing out on your fast action bonus (which includes the license to use my high-closing emails.)
Click the green order button below right away.
Pax vobiscum.
DISCLAIMER: The results and sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures and/or those of my clients. Neither my results nor the results of my clients are typical. And it’s important that you know, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate those results. You see, I’ve been practicing direct response marketing for almost 30 years, so I’ve had a lot of “trial and error” time to get really good at it. In fact, I can’t imply or guarantee that you’ll get any results at all. Because my experience shows that the average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. Because, you see, even though most people have good intentions when buying instructional products or courses, most never actually DO anything. And taking action is the primary requisite for getting results. In fact, without action, it’s impossible to get results. I’m using the results stated in this message as references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your experience, attitude and work ethic. All business involves risk and requires consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that fact, please, please, please DO NOT BUY THIS PROGRAM.
Fast Action Bonus
“High-Ticket Selling System!”
The Simple 5-Step System To Make Money In Big “Chunks!”
A $299 value... yours FREE!
If you sell high-ticket products or services... or you want to discover the best way to do it... the High-Ticket Selling System is a GAME CHANGER.
It’s a contrarian and darn near "effortless" way to sell high-ticket deals... without sales calls, strategy sessions, webinars... or any kind of chasing, arm-twisting or high-pressure selling!
In practically no time at all you'll be closing high four-figure and even FIVE-figure deals... while relaxing at home in your pajamas!
Best of all, you can do that with...
- NO phone calls, NO "strategy sessions" and NO webinars!
- No "grunt work"
- No "chasing" prospects and strategy session "no-shows"...
- NO need for a big email list of prospects...
- No more spending months or even years on free “content marketing”, article-writing, blog posts, video-making, Tweeting, or ANY of that “audience-building” stuff that rarely (if ever) works...
- NO more cheap clients always trying to grind you down on your fees...
- NO more wasting your time with tire kickers, time vampires and lookie-loos who only want to “pick your brain” and get your valuable time and knowledge for free...
- No more traveling... getting scanned, swabbed and frisked by TSA agents... schlepping luggage all across the country... to speak on any stage that will have you... while your kids and spouse cry and complain because they feel like you’ve abandoned them...
- NO more confusing, complicated and convoluted sales funnels that hardly ever work...
- NO more spending your days and nights grinding out blog posts and emails until 3 A.M. that rarely, if EVER, get read... and NEVER produce new clients or more money in your pocket...
- NO more wasting your time writing “free reports” that nobody ever values or reads...
- NO more wasting time on webinars that don’t sell...
- NO more spending hours on the phone only to close a teeny tiny fraction of prospects on your high-ticket deals...
- NO more sales slumps or slow months...
- NO more hearing “I'll have to think about it.” (Now with my system, your prospective clients will be ready to sign up on the spot... and gladly pay your fees... BEFORE THEY EVEN TALK TO YOU!)
Finally... you no longer have to do any of that excruciating, energy-sucking and ineffective grunt work. Because my breakthrough new High-Ticket Selling System does away with ALL that “activity without results” crap.
And if you're an introvert like me -- or you're just somebody who enjoys your privacy -- I think you'll REALLY like this:
- It works even if you’re not a "people person"...
- It works even if you’re not a salesperson...
- It works even if nobody in your market has ever heard of you...
- It works even if you’ve failed in the past with those old, outmoded, high-pressure, arm-twisting selling systems...
- Heck, it works even if you have doubts about yourself. Because it's the SYSTEM that does all the work FOR you!
This is a time-tested and PROVEN high-ticket selling system you can use to attract as many clients as you want... and sell your services at the high prices you want and deserve.
Yes, it’s contrarian... but it’s the BEST way I know to build a high-income business that lets you live almost any lifestyle you desire.
And you can now do that WITHOUT working day and night doing "strategy sessions," sales calls and all the soul-sucking "grunt work" required by the old, obsolete, "master-three-dozen-high-pressure-Zig- Ziglar-closes" strong-arm selling systems of the past.
It's a way to sell very high-priced programs -- especially coaching, courses and DFY (done for you) services -- with MUCH less time, effort and hassle. Using nothing but...
- A website and/or sales letter...
- An online form (You can use a free Google form if you like)
- And two emails! (You’ll get a license to use my tested and proven, high-closing emails... written by yours truly. Use them word-for-word if you like. That way you can start closing high-ticket deals as soon as possible.)
That's it!
Well, there's actually one more requirement:
You need to be willing to give up all the "grunt work," stress and never-ending frustration caused by constantly chasing people, doing endless phone calls and "strategy sessions"... and always experiencing disappointing results.
In other words, you need to get used to doing...
Your Results Are Up To YOU!
The BEST Way I’ve Discovered!
The New Customer Bonanza video:
I’ll walk you through this entire process, step-by-step, A to Z. You’ll see WHO to target, HOW to target them, what to offer, how to sell ’em... and how to MAKE MONEY as soon as possible.

The New Customer Bonanza audio:
Some folks (maybe you, too) prefer audios to videos. That’s why you’ll also get the audio from the video presentation.

New Customer Bonanza report:
This contains some additional moneymaking info that's not in the video and audio.
It's a PDF of a recent back issue of my world-famous newsletter, The Doberman Dan Letter... a true $198 value. (’Cuz that’s what my knights pay for it.)

Much Less Work... While Closing A LOT More High-Ticket Deals!
Accept my offer TODAY and you'll get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the behind-the-scenes secrets that are now responsible for almost 60% of my business income.
Listen, it has taken me years of tweaking, testing, making mistake after mistake -- losing 7-figures in the process -- to develop, refine and perfect this system.
There’s not a single ounce of “theory” in this. It’s the most effective, most efficient, most "what’s working best RIGHT NOW" way for selling high-ticket deals.
Here are just a handful of the many things I reveal in this FREE BONUS:
Your HALF OFF discount ends is...