What A Few People Are Saying About Me, My Systems And Methods...

From $10k Per Month... To $25,000 Per Month... Consistently!
“Coaching with Doberman Dan took me from doing between $10-$12k per month... to $20-$25k per month consistently.
Dan helped me with a multitude of things, from punching up copy for my own launches and product releases, to pitching for copy gigs, and introducing me to some industry big hitters.
This gave me confidence to up my fees, and meant the client got better results, leading to more repeat business and more referrals. It was win-win all round.”
Mike Samuels, freelance copywriter

From A “Kitchen Table” Business
To A 7-Figure, 35-Man Empire!
“Your entire philosophy just makes sense -- and the results speak for themselves. I took my little publishing business from me and a kitchen table to a 7-figure per-year, 35-man operation... most of it with a HUGE nod of thanks to your JSTDT (Just Sell The Damn Thing) common sense.”
Brian Keith Voiles, CEO, Manifest Opulence Publishing LLC

304th Fastest Growing Company In America!
“We put into place the things we learned from Dan’s mastermind and the result was adding ‘rocket fuel’ to our growth rate. In fact, in 2013 our little company was named the 304th fastest growing company in America by Inc. Magazine. Our business grew over 1,400% and we credit Dan and our mastermind partners for helping us break through to the next level of growth. Thanks Dan!”
Allen and Erin Baler, Reboot Marketing LLC

“$12,500.00 Our First Month In Business!”
“Wow. Using just one of Dan’s simple strategies, we made $12,500.00 our first month in business. And we’re barely getting warmed up. Doberman Dan is the real deal, and if you have a chance to learn from him, you are a fool if you don’t take it.”
Brocton Rye, CEO, Steam Engine Solutions

WARNING: This exclusive program has only 7 openings... so don't delay... read below NOW!
New BREAKTHROUGH for coaches, consultants, copywriters, speakers, authors... or any thought leader, advisor or high-value service provider...
Go From a Complete Unknown In Your Niche To...
FAMOUS in 180 Days Or Less!
Now you’ll NEVER have to worry about getting new clients EVER again!
At last... you can stop chasing and start ATTRACTING Clients!
My proven system...

Attracts the BEST clients... including the “whale” clients who pay the HIGHEST FEES!
Lets you sell at prices 5x... 10x... 20x (or HIGHER) than all your competitors!
Enjoy more free time...
Make MORE money with less clients... less advertising costs... less overhead... LESS WORK!
And do it all without employees... having a New York Times bestseller... complicated marketing funnels... blogging... giving away free stuff... or ANY the other “grunt work” you don’t want to do!
Dear Friend,
If getting clients has been a struggle for you...
Or... if you’re not happy with the type of clients you’ve been working with...
And... if you’re sick and tired of not getting paid the fees you know you could and SHOULD be getting... because low quality, unqualified “price shoppers” are always grinding you down...
Then what you’re about to discover in this brief message could turn all that around for you... in practically no time at all.
Because now for the first time ever, you can experience a proven system that...
- Attracts all the clients you’ll ever want or need...
- Instead of YOU always chasing clients and gigs... you’ll discover how to have high-ticket clients chasing YOU... without complicated and confusing multi-step sales funnels...
- Charge (and get) the big fees that you’re really worth…
- Never again worry about being an “advertising victim” -- throwing away your money on ads and sales funnels that produce little to nothing in new clients and profits...
- FINALLY... lay your head on the pillow each and every night... not hoping, praying or guessing - but KNOWING exactly how many new high-fee clients will arrive tomorrow like clockwork... consistently, predictably and reliably!
When you have a proven system like this working for you... it changes EVERYTHING!
And that’s EXACTLY what I'll share with you today.
At last... you can now experience the results I just described with a breakthrough NEW model for running your high-value service business.
Even better, once you discover this proven system, you can do all this with...
- NO need for a big list of contacts and prospects (You can even get started with NO list!)
- No more spending months or even years on free “content marketing”, article-writing, blog posts, video-making, Tweeting, or ANY of that “audience-building” stuff that rarely, if ever works...
- NO more cheap clients always trying to grind you down on your fees...
- NO more “spec assignments” (Which is just another ruse used by cheap clients to get you to work for free)
- NO more wasting your time with tire kickers, time vampires and lookie-loos who only want to “pick your brain” and get your valuable time and knowledge for free...
- No more traveling... getting scanned, swabbed and frisked by TSA agents... schlepping luggage all across the country to speak on any stage that will have you... while your kids, spouse and loved ones cry and complain because they feel like you’ve abandoned them...
- NO more confusing, complicated and convoluted sales funnels that hardly ever work...
- NO more spending your days and nights grinding out blog posts and emails until 3 A.M. that rarely, if EVER, get read... and NEVER produce new clients or more money in your pocket...
- NO more wasting your time writing “free reports” that nobody ever values or reads...
- NO more wasting time on webinars that don’t sell...
- NO more hearing “Send me a proposal and I’ll get back to you.” (In fact, people will PAY you... and pay you WELL... for a proposal.)
- NO more being forced to compete with other service providers on price. (YOU will be the ONLY choice in your best prospects’ minds... and they'll happily pay almost any fee you desire.)
- NO more sales slumps or slow months...
- NO more hearing “I'll have to think about it.” (Now your prospective clients will be ready to sign up on the spot... and gladly pay your fees... BEFORE THEY EVEN TALK TO YOU!)
Finally... you don’t have to do any of that excruciating and ineffective grunt work. This breakthrough new system does away with ALL that “activity without results” crap.
Here’s The Best Part...
This new system works even if you’re just starting out.
It works even if you’re not a superstar salesperson, copywriter or marketer.
It works even if nobody in your market has ever heard of you.
It works even if you’ve tried other marketing systems before and failed.
Because this is a time-tested and PROVEN strategy you can use to attract as many clients as you want... and sell your services at the high prices you want and deserve.
Even better... you can do it in a way that will cause your prospects to seek YOU out. Because thanks to this breakthrough system... YOU are positioned as the ONLY person your best prospects want to work with.
Yes, it’s contrarian... but it’s the BEST way I know to build a high-income business that lets you live almost any lifestyle you desire. WITHOUT working day and night, getting paid less than you know you’re worth... and putting up with demanding clients who drive you crazy trying to take over every minute of your life.
It has taken me over two decades of tweaking... testing... making mistake after mistake -- losing 7-figures in the process -- to develop, refine and perfect this system.
There’s not one single ounce of “theory” in this. It’s what’s working best RIGHT NOW for high value service providers to attract as many clients as you want.
The BEST clients.
The "salt of the earth" clients.
And just as important... now you can...
Get Paid The High Fees You Desire!
This system works because it was developed, tested and perfected in the trenches. With real clients. In real “heat of battle” business situations... when BIG money was on the line.
And here’s the part that my students really like:
You don’t have to be a pushy salesperson and use sleazy high-pressure “closing techniques” in order to enroll lots of high-fee clients. Instead you’ll sift, sort and handpick only the BEST clients... the ones you actually WANT to work with.
In fact, if your numbers work out like mine and my other students, you’ll reject 70% of the people who want your help... and you’ll only take the top 30%.
Even then, those top 30% will APPLY to work with you. You won’t have to “sell” anything. THEY will ask you to work with them.
Even better... they’ll ask you with checkbook in hand, already prepared and even HAPPY to pay you the high fees you deserve.
Pretty cool, huh?
It is cool... and it’s a lot simpler than most online marketing “gurus” have led you to believe. Because you don’t have to invest MONTHS of blood, sweat and tears -- and pay big bucks to a copywriter -- to create complex multistep sales funnels.
None of that is needed with my system.
In fact, if anybody convinces you that you need a long, convoluted, multistep funnel... with a 1,001 question survey... 99 email follow-ups, upsells, downsells, ad nauseum... you’ll wind up working about 1,000 times harder than you need to. AND you’ll make less money, too.
Here's what I mean:
With that old, outdated and inefficient “sales funnel/ascension” system, just to get started you have to create 5 to 10 new products from scratch... all at ascending prices... starting with low priced $7 “trip wire” products.
That alone is daunting! And it means that it could be months or even YEARS before you’re able to start getting clients and making money.
And in most cases, none of those low priced products are the TRUE solution that your clients need. It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a sucking chest wound... when what the client really needs is a life saving surgery.
So not only is that antiquated and complicated model doing YOU a disservice by robbing you of months and years of your life (and lots of potential income)... it’s a HUGE disservice to your clients, too.
So if you want to bypass all that grueling (and inefficient) work... and help people right from the git-go with a high-ticket service that gets your clients the results they want... then don’t waste your time creating a complicated “ascension sales funnel” like all the Internet Marketing gurus tell you to do. Because if you do, in another 12 months you’ll still be working on it... and you’ll STILL not have a full roster of high-ticket clients.
Unfortunately, I know this from experience. You see, I wasted almost an entire YEAR of my life creating a “sales funnel” and all the products, email follow-ups, upsells, downsells, ad nauseum. And I still wasn't getting the clients I wanted.
In comparison to that antiquated “sales funnel/ascension” system -- and all the grunt work, anguish and disappointment required to create it -- my NEW client attraction system brings in...
100 Times More Money...
With 90% Less Work!
I call this new system the Celebrity Authority Formula For Client Attraction. I’ll reveal all the exciting details in just a minute. But first, allow me to introduce myself...
Doberman Dan Has Been Featured In:

As a serial direct response “bootstrap” entrepreneur, I’ve started a whole bunch of businesses on my kitchen table... with nothing more than a yellow note pad, a blue pen and the gray matter between my ears.
Several of those “kitchen table businesses” have supported me with a lifestyle that would be envied by the most successful CEOs in the country.
Many were created under great financial duress... with nothing but spit, grit and duct tape. I was broke, my back was against the wall and the wolf was at the door. So I was forced to run my idea up the flagpole to see how many people would salute it with their wallets.
Sure I’ve had plenty of failures. That’s par for the course in the life of a serial entrepreneur. But several of these “ready-fire-aim” businesses have gone on to make fortunes.
In addition, I’ve sold a couple of my info businesses for big paydays. I’ve also sold three nutritional supplement businesses I started from my kitchen table. That allowed me to enjoy several multi-year stints of “mini retirement.”
I’ve also been hired by some of the most successful entrepreneurs and marketers in the country. Most recently, a $1 BILLION a year “800 lb. gorilla” direct marketing company, Agora -- one the biggest and most successful in the world -- hired me to guide the launch their new nutritional supplement business.
But believe me... I didn’t have any advantages getting started as an entrepreneur. I’m an average guy who barely made it through Barberton High School in Ohio.
I picked the wrong parents so there was no million-dollar trust fund or rich uncle to help fund my entrepreneurial pursuits. In fact, to describe my upbringing as “lower middle class” is being generous.
My first 10 years as an entrepreneur...
I Had To “Bootstrap” Every Business I Started...
And it was NOT easy.
During the first nine long years of my serial entrepreneurial journey -- before I discovered direct response marketing -- NONE of the businesses I started made a dime. Every single one crashed and burned... leaving me defeated, depressed and deep in debt.
I felt like the biggest loser in the world.
That was until I discovered some little known secrets of the “ole skool” direct marketing masters. I studied that classic marketing material like a 15-year-old boy studies the female anatomy. Then I adapted and applied those secrets to one of my struggling and “on life support” business at the time and...
It Grew My Sales 1,407% In Only Five Months!
It was an amazing time. “Life changing” would be the understatement of the decade. An astonishing “before and after.”
BEFORE: I was broke, drowning in debt... and for a while actually homeless and living in my car with my Doberman... skipping meals so I’d have the money to run test ads.
AFTER: A mere five months later... I was making in one month more than I would have made in TWO YEARS in my former life as a police officer in Dayton, Ohio!
Since then I’ve been on a mission. A mission to share these successful tactics, strategies and secrets for building your business FAST. And doing it in a way that doesn’t take over your entire life.
You see, growing your business as quickly as possible and making a lot of money are worthy goals. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a SLAVE to your business.
Sure, you might make an above average income... but you have no life. Your business is an all-consuming mistress. And you’re not the only one who pays the price. It takes a HUGE toll on your family, too.
Instead, what I have to share with you is a unique system for building your high value service business. One that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom. Because when money doesn’t control you... and you have time freedom... life becomes pretty darn spectacular.
First of all, you FEEL GREAT... because you no longer have that always-present weight on your shoulders. The weight you feel from others controlling your life. And the ever-present FEAR you feel... deep in your solar plexus... from money worries.
Or the chest constricting stress you feel from pain-in-the-ass clients always yanking your chain. Forced to jump when they say “jump”... because you need the money.
All because your flow of new potential clients isn’t really a flow at all. It’s more like a very infrequent drip.
So fear keeps you working for less than you know you could and should be paid... and working with clients you don’t want to work with.
Doesn’t that make life suck?
But don’t worry... all that can turn around for you in practically no time at all. Because when you do what I’ll show you, you can...
FREE Yourself From Financial Slavery!
Finally... you can do with your life what you could have been doing all these past years... and SHOULD do now...
What I’m about to share with you is the solution to make all that happen for you.
The BEST solution.
The FASTEST solution.
Because what you’re about to discover is the final piece of the puzzle you’ve been missing. The master key to growing your business (and income) as fast -- and as BIG -- as you desire. And doing it in a way where your business doesn’t become an all-consuming mistress.
Why do I call it the “Celebrity Authority Formula For Client Attraction?” And why do you need “Celebrity Authority” positioning?
The answer is simple...
An expert/authority makes much more money than a generalist. So there’s that.
But I’ve taken it a giant LEAP above even that... because...
A Celebrity Authority Makes LIGHT YEARS More Money Than Even An Expert!
Think about it this way:
If you had to have a specialized heart surgery or you’d die in two weeks, would you hire just any family doctor to treat you?
Heck, no! If you want a good chance of surviving, wouldn’t you prefer an actual heart surgeon?
Or... if you want the BEST chance of survival, wouldn’t you prefer the surgeon who only specializes in the exact heart condition you have? That’s a lot better, isn’t it?
Let’s take it one step further:
What if you found a surgeon who only specializes in the exact heart condition you have... has written THE book on the subject... trains other heart surgeons around the world in his unique technique... and has been featured on national television shows talking about his proprietary and proven treatment for this condition?
If you were surely going to die in two weeks without a successful treatment, wouldn’t that be the guy you’d want performing your surgery?
And wouldn’t you want him working on you even if he charged 10 times more than the regular old heart surgeon? And 100 TIMES more than a general practitioner?
Of course that’s the guy you’d want to save your life! And THAT is the power of being a Celebrity Authority.
When you have that kind of positioning in your market or niche... you become the ONLY choice in your best prospects’ minds.
Then instead of just accepting anybody and everybody who can write you a check -- because you only have an infrequent “drip” of client prospects and gotta take whatever you can get -- you now have a consistent, predictable and reliable FLOOD of new client prospects. So you can sift and sort and only work with the kind of clients you truly want to work with.
Even better...
Your Ideal Clients Will Jump Through Hoops And Bend Over Backwards To Pay You The High Fees You Desire And Deserve!
Now that I’ve systemized this process, I’m convinced that almost any high-value service provider can have their very own Celebrity Authority positioning.
And that’s EXACTLY what you now have the opportunity to discover.
If you qualify, I’ll reveal everything I’ve done to garner fame in my field by making myself a Celebrity Authority. And more important, how I’ve leveraged that into having people jump through hoops to seek me out and pay me high fees.
Even better... this system lets you make...
“Neurosurgeon Money” Working Less Than 20 Hours A Week... And Some Weeks Not Even Working At All!
And now with my guidance, I’m convinced that almost anybody can do even BETTER than I have. AND do it much faster, too.
Yes, the Celebrity Authority Formula For Client Attraction can give you “A list” positioning that will quickly raise you head and shoulders above ALL the other competitors in your market. That way you too can experience the best clients pursuing YOU and showing up with checkbook in hand.
How does that happen?
It’s simple. The system has been engineered to attract and pre-condition your prospective clients to...
Hire You Without Hesitation... And Pay Almost Any Fee You Desire!
When you have the Celebrity Authority Formula For Client Attraction working for you, all this can happen for you FAST. MUCH faster than it took me. Because I’ve already made all the mistakes for you.
And I’ve tested scores of strategies, tactics and techniques... sifting and sorting to find what works the best and fastest to achieve this client-attracting Celebrity Authority positioning.
Even more important, I’ve discovered what doesn’t work... so now YOU don’t have to.
As soon as you’ve got my system working for you, you can start getting a FLOOD of new clients... and enjoying substantial increases in your income. With me guiding you, this system works so well... and so FAST... it’s as close to a sure bet as you’ll ever get in this life.
However... be careful about attempting to traverse this minefield by yourself. You see, thanks to the Internet...
There Are Two HUGE Obstacles You Have To Overcome...
First of all, there’s a new online trend that has developed over the past few years. There’s now an epidemic of wannabees and posers trying to position themselves as “thought leaders,” experts and “gurus.”
It seems like everybody and his brother wants to become some kind of celebrity or authority nowadays. Because they think they can experience all the financial benefits and recognition simply by self-anointing themselves as a thought leader or guru.
Their flawed formula is this:
Put up a website that “pops”... with lots of photos of the wannabee/poser/“thought leader” doing all kinds of exciting (and staged) activities... often in exotic places. And/or post those pics and videos on social media.
They try to make it appear like the thought leader is experiencing unbridled bliss 24 hours a day. Heck, it looks like they’re experiencing pure ecstasy just sipping their morning coffee, for cryin’ out loud!
Now a true expert can spot a poser a mile away. We can see through all their staged B.S. and illusions. But I gotta admit, I admire their chutzpah. And I understand why they’re doing it.
Although sadly, most seem to be only driven by the potential financial rewards, trappings of success and recognition... instead of serving people in their market with a high value service that changes lives.
So there’s a problem with this new trend. And it’s a BIG one that directly affects YOU.
The people who try to do this expert positioning without a time tested and proven system get one VERY important thing wrong.
And that one thing is this:
Not one of these fake experts has anything unique about them. Or anything original to say. They’re just trying to fake a unique voice and positioning with staged B.S.
You can thank the Internet and social media for lowering the barrier to entry to “thought leadership” and “guru-dom.” However, this lower barrier to entry means it’s now harder than ever to separate yourself from the frauds, wannabees and posers.
Even worse... the VIP clients who are most likely to hire a true expert... and pay the highest fees... can spot a poser a mile away.
So if you try to do this on your own... and you don’t follow a proven system to promote yourself... your potential VIP clients -- the ones who could be your BEST and highest paying clients -- will immediately lump you in with all the other self-anointed (and fraudulent) “ex-spurts.” And as a result, they'll toss you aside as just another poser.
And that means...
You’ll Lose The Opportunity To Work With The Highest Paying “Whale” Clients Before You Even Get Started!
So that’s the first obstacle you have to overcome.
There's a SECOND obstacle... and it's also a biggie.
You see, even if you do wind up getting some recognition as a Celebrity Authority you can still stay broke.
That’s simple.
If you don’t know exactly how to manage and CONVERT the prospects coming to you...
You’ll Forever Remain A Penniless Celebrity Authority!
Because there’s a very important and meticulously engineered “game” you gotta play once people have sought you out. And almost EVERYBODY gets this wrong.
You see, just one tiny mistake in this process and you’ll blow all your credibility and the Celebrity Authority positioning you worked so hard to attain.
And you’ll be back to square one again... “selling” yourself... groveling and begging clients to hire you... and having people grind you down on your fees.
I learned this secret process initially while working with the famous copywriter Gary Halbert. I got to look over his shoulder in the “heat of battle” and observe his entire Celebrity Authority client attraction process.
I was in his inner circle... so I got to see all the “behind the scenes” secrets of how he attracted and converted client prospects. And equally important, how he managed them after they became clients. (Almost everybody gets this one wrong, too.)
I gotta tell ya... at first, NOTHING in this process made any sense to me. It was sooooo contrarian and counterintuitive.
But I couldn’t deny the results. Halbert almost always had a steady flow of client prospects clamoring to hire him... with checkbooks in hand, ready to pay any fee he demanded.
And they paid 5-figure fees... 6-figure fees... even 7-figure fees! (when you included royalties) with NO hesitation.
Years later when I started offering my services to clients, I took everything I had learned from Halbert -- including all the mistakes I saw him make -- and I carefully tweaked and tested everything until I got this entire system humming along at “concert pitch.”
And now, it's working better than I ever could have imagined.
So, if you actually DO have a unique voice, worthwhile message and offer a high value service...
How Do You Overcome These Two HUGE Obstacles?
First, how do you stand out from the LEGION of self-anointed “posers-without-substance” fraudsters out there?THAT is a major conundrum for any TRUE expert and thought leader these days. And it’s one of the biggest hurdles you MUST overcome to claim (and benefit from) your well-deserved Celebrity Authority status.
And second, once prospects have reached out to you... how do you make sure you don’t blow it at any point in the process and lose your Celebrity Authority positioning... and all the power it can give you?
If you try to navigate this minefield all by yourself, there’s a LEGION of mistakes you could make along the way. And a learning curve of at LEAST an entire decade before you can even start to get everything working for you.
However, I have some good news:
Now you can get my personal guidance to help you establish -- and profit from -- your own Celebrity Authority positioning.
I’m now accepting applications from people who provide a high value service. People like coaches, consultants, copywriters, authors, speakers, thought leaders, medical professionals, financial professionals, etc.
If you qualify, I’ll walk you through EVERYTHING I’ve done to create my own Celebrity Authority status. And more important, I’ll help you tweak, adapt and customize my proven system so it’s working like a finely tuned Swiss watch in your business.
In other words, I’ll guide you through my entire proven formula for turning yourself into a Celebrity Authority.
Everything has been meticulously engineered to ensure that this system...
Elevates You Head And Shoulders Above Any And All Posers, Wannabees And “Lesser Mortal” Competitors!
So that YOU are the person at the top of the mountain in your field... the wise one who high quality prospective clients seek out... and jump through hoops to get to.
And equally important... I'll show you the almost entirely automated, no "grunt work" way to CONVERT those prospects into paying clients.
Even better, the “salt of the earth” clients who are attracted from this Celebrity Authority System are THRILLED to pay you fees that are 3 times... 5 times... 10 times (or more!) than all the lesser mortals who try to compete with you.
When you have that kind of positioning... and a "like clockwork" predictable and reliable client flow... I gotta tell ya... life is GOOD.
And it sure beats the alternative you’re probably experiencing right now... chasing after clients who treat you like a commodity... don’t appreciate you... and always grind you down on your fees.
If you want all the benefits that Celebrity Authority positioning can give you and your business... and you meet my qualifications...
Here’s How I Can Help You...
If you’re chosen to work with me, you’ll get access to my proven "Done With You" system that helps you achieve Celebrity Authority status in your niche. So you can ATTRACT -- not chase -- the best clients.
Once you have this in place, you can WORK LESS while scaling up your business... and making MORE money.
That way, there’s no limit to how many clients you can have... and how BIG you can scale your business and income.
And regardless of how many clients you choose to have, you’ll still be able to help each and every one get the results they want. This allows you to make a high income only working a few hours a week.
If you're chosen for this program, here's how we'll work together:
Every week for 6 weeks you'll get access to one of the key components of this system. They're all engineered to work together synergistically... so you can achieve Celebrity Authority status in your chosen niche... to get all the high fee clients you want.
You’ll also see how to do it working less than 30 hours a week... so you can enjoy both your business and your life.
In addition to all that, you’ll also get my "Done With You" personal guidance each week help for a total of 6 weeks. We'll work together on your Celebrity Authority positioning and your client attraction system on a weekly open counseling/Q&A session. (I do these on Zoom.) That way I can make sure that you stay on track with the system. And so I can help you tweak and customize each component of The Celebrity Authority Formula For Client Attraction to fit you and your business like a glove.
Here’s how the training and support will happen:
- For 6 weeks you’ll get access to a new video training module that’s released every Tuesday. Each week you'll discover one of the components of my Celebrity Authority Formula. AND how you can quickly implement these secrets to create YOUR Celebrity Authority positioning... so you can enjoy a steady stream of new high-fee clients.
- In addition, each week for 6 weeks you’ll be invited to attend a "Done With You" open counseling/Q&A Zoom meeting with me. This way you'll have complete clarity about the system... and how to adapt it to YOUR unique business... so you can experience all these game changing results as soon as possible.
- All training webinars and Q&A calls will be recorded so that you'll have LIFETIME ACCESS on a private, password-protected website. That way, even if you can't make the training and Q&A calls in person, you'll still benefit just as if you were there. (If you can't make a Q&A call, you can email me your questions and I'll answer them on the next scheduled Q&A call. Then you can watch the replay at your convenience.)
- You’ll also get two 20-minute “Intensive Care” counseling calls with me PERSONALLY... one-on-one. These are NOT the group calls. These are just you and me. And you can use these calls at any time during our 6 weeks together... or at any time in the future. That way if there’s anything you need my help with -- but don’t want to share those issues on the open counseling calls -- you’ll have me all to yourself.
That's not all.
Not by a long shot.
I saved the best for last.
If you're a person who takes action NOW... I'll also give you a...
And I’ll help you adapt and customize them so you can profit from them in your business, too.
It took me over two decades to create, test and refine all these materials... yet I’m handing them ALL to you on a silver platter. This is a HUGE shortcut around what could very well be a decades-long learning curve trying to create all this on your own.
Now there’s no reason for you to go though all the trial-and-error agony trying to create everything by yourself. I’ve already done all the work FOR you. And if you’re chosen to work with me, I’ll let you “steal” it with my blessing.
And yes, even if you might have a few doubts, I assure you...
This WILL Work For You!
Even if you’ve tried other marketing systems before and failed.
Because I believe that with my personal "Done With You" help and guidance, almost any high value service provider can be successful with the Celebrity Authority Formula For Client Attraction... in practically no time at all!
Although just in case you’re still a little unsure, let me share...
Apply For Doberman Dan's
Celebrity Authority Formula For Client Attraction... TODAY!
Only 7 remaining spots... don't delay...
After clicking the button above you'll be taken to a brief application where you'll answer some questions about yourself and your business.
If you qualify, I’ll touch base with you by email to ask a few questions. That way we can be SURE that this program is a good match for you.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon!
All the best,

P.S. If you’re truly serious about making an amazing change happen in your business and income over the next few months, this will be the most impactful and profitable thing you’ve ever done.
Click here to apply right now to get in the qualification queue. That way you won’t miss out on one of these few remaining spots.
Pax vobiscum.
Copyright 2025 Doberman Dan Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.
Listen, this is specialized proprietary information that has taken me DECADES to test and refine.
But it’s not for everybody.
So let me tell you...
Who This Program Is NOT For...
- People who sell shady “get rich quick” and scammy biz-op stuff. (Ever notice that the guys who do this have never been successful in any LEGITIMATE business... other than selling fraudulent "get rich quick" crap?)
- People who want to hide behind their computer and not interact with real living, breathing human beings...
- The DDDs (dopamine-dependent dreamers) who are constantly stuck in “information gathering” mode but never actually implement anything...
- People who have no desire to sell coaching, consulting, information products and high value services that produce REAL results for their clients.
- People who never take any personal responsibility for their results in life. (You see, my program WORKS. The only unknown is will YOU work? Because that's the #1 thing that determines your success.)
Still with me?
Great! Now I can tell you...
Who This Program Is For...
- Coaches, consultants, copywriters...
- Authors, thought leaders and speakers...
- Medical professionals... especially plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists, functional medicine doctors and others offering high fee services not covered by insurance...
- People who have any kind of high value skill that helps others...
- People who sell information products...
- People in charge of getting high-ticket customers into a business...
- People who are willing to talk with other human beings - as opposed to hiding behind their computer and only sending emails.
Bottom line:
This is for any service provider whose products, services and advice create big results for clients when applied.
Now... before we go any further...
IMPORTANT: If You're Wondering How Much This Costs...
The opportunity to get access to a tested and proven "done with you" system like this -- directly from the battle-hardened, proven-in-the-trenches veteran entrepreneur who created it -- well... some small thinkers might think the fee is “expensive.” (Although it’s actually MUCH less expensive than staying where you currently are!)
Here’s the thing... people who think the fee for this program is “expensive” are cursed with a poverty mindset instead of an...
You see, many of the people who have invested in similar "Done With You" programs I offer are seeing a positive ROI from their investment in only a handful of weeks.
And although it’s not typical, a few have gotten a positive ROI in only days. (Fast results like that are possible... but not always typical. My clients who get super fast results like this already have their own list... so they don’t have to do any lead generation initially.)
If you’re the type of person who is stuck in poverty thinking... and you view the fee for this program as an expense instead of an investment in yourself and your future... you can do one of two things:
1. You can choose to not make the investment... stay stuck where you currently are and consequently lose out on the FAST turnaround and MASSIVE upside in your business and income growth. Or...
2. You CAN invest in yourself and finally experience having control over your client flow, income and most important... your FREEDOM and PEACE OF MIND! (With a caveat that I hope goes without saying: If you want to experience all this, you gotta be willing to do some work and implement it. Duh, right?)
Listen... if you're selected to work with me, I’ll share secrets that have paid me and others using this system no less than 6-figures a year for over 23 years. And in more recent years, 6-figures a MONTH!
Even if I charged $100,000, you second-mortgaged your home, stole from your kids’ college funds, sold all your earthly possessions... and sold so much of your blood plasma that you stumbled around like a zombie for a week... it would STILL be a screaming bargain.
In fact, if you can’t make back at least $100k over the next 12 months, you’re just slacking off.
But don’t worry. It ain’t gonna cost $100k. (Even though it SHOULD.)
Just so you have a frame of reference... to start a McDonalds's franchise you'll need a total investment between $1 million and $2.2 million... with $750,000 of liquid capital available . After that, the average McDonald's franchisee makes about $150,000/year per restaurant.
On the other hand, with my system you can make that income (and more) in the next 12 months with an investment of a LOT less.
For a limited time... while these remaining spots are still available... the investment is only $3,500.
Either way, that's a LOT less than what I should be charging for a program with such a high potential ROI.
And with my personal guidance, I'm confident that this system will be HIGHLY successful for you. With a couple caveats:
First of all, you’re NOT a DDD (dopamine-dependent dreamer) and "opportunity seeker." That's a person who's always buying product after product... looking for the "secret" that makes money rain from the sky with no effort. But they never take any REAL action on any of the information they buy. They just buy it to satisfy their dopamine addiction... always getting ready to get ready, to get ready to implement it “some day.”
In other words, you’re a REAL business owner... you’re getting clients (even if it’s just in a small way)... and you offer a high value service that solves real problems for your clients.
Second of all, you’re ready to put in the "sweat equity" to make this system work for you. In other words, you agree to IMPLEMENT it in your business. (Remember, this is "done with you." Over the six weeks together, I'll personally walk you through everything and help you with any and all questions and challenges you might encounter. But it's YOU who has to do the work of implementation.)
Because of how much time, energy and attention I invest into each person who gets selected to work with me, there are currently only 7 spots available.
So don’t delay.
Right this very minute, if you think this is for you...
Here’s What You Need To Do Next...
The first step is to see if you qualify.
You can do that by filling out an application and answering some questions about yourself and your business. (Even though there SHOULD be -- to weed out the tire kickers -- there's no application fee.)
After I get your application, one of two things will happen:
1. I’ll decide we’re not a good match and I’ll let you know... politely. Or...
2. I’ll decide that you MIGHT be a good match and I’ll ask you for some additional information by email. Or, I might have my assistant Jackie schedule you for an application interview with me by phone or Zoom...
3. If your application indicates that you’re a great fit for this... or I personally know you and/or have worked with you in the past... I’ll send you an email letting you know that you’ve been accepted.
If I do decide that you qualify, I want you to know this... and it's IMPORTANT:
I’ve Seen Millions Made From Even WRONG Actions... But... I’ve Never Seen ANYTHING Good Come From Inaction!
You see, the people who make their dreams come true...
The ones who are free... financially, emotionally and spiritually...
Are the decision makers.
The people who live lives of quiet desperation are the ones who have to “think about it.”
And really... that’s just a way of letting your fears stop you from doing something that could totally transform your life. It’s how many people subconsciously sabotage their success... so they can stay in their comfort zone of failure and mediocrity.
So if you make it to the application interview stage and I decide that yes, you DO qualify... you’ll have a decision to make.
It doesn’t matter to me what your decision is. It just matters that you’re a person who can make one. If you’re not prepared to do that, please... don’t waste my time by applying.
I’m planning to fill the few remaining spots in the next 10 days. So if you’d like to be considered, follow the instructions below...

I'm Doberman Dan...
I’m a serial entrepreneur, A-list copywriter and three-time international bestselling author.
I’ve started businesses and written copy in a whole slew of different markets. Just a few of the countless publications my work has appeared in are...
- Entrepreneur
- Investors Business Daily
- Penthouse
- Car & Driver
- Popular Science
- The National Enquirer
- Flex
- Success
- Muscle & Fitness
- Men's Edge
- IronMan
- Black Belt Magazine
- Muscular Development
- Reps!
- Exercise For Men Only
- Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness
- Martial Arts Professional Magazine
- Soldier Of Fortune
- Small Business Opportunities
- Weekly World News
- And thousands of high circulation newspapers

A License To Use All My Proven Copy, Scripts and Templates... The Exact Same Ones that Created MY Celebrity Authority Positioning!