Something I've NEVER revealed before.
Let me tell ya... NOTHING works better than "Superhero Writing" for...
- High status positioning...
- Building a rock-solid relationship with your clients... so they stick with you for YEARS...
- And getting MAXIMUM retention and lifetime customer value from each and every person on your list. (That means YEARS of dependable, stress-free income for you.)
Once you know this secret, Superhero Writing will be your master key to the kingdom... because...
- It’s MAGNETIC to money...
- Can be created out of thin air...
- Makes you stand head and shoulders above EVERYBODY else in your marketplace...
- Turns you into a specialist... not a generalist. (Specialists make more money than generalists.)
- Makes you a celebrity in your market. (And celebrities make EXPONENTIALLY more money than even specialists.)
- Works in any media...
- As powerful as "Superhero Writing" is, you'll put it on STEROIDS when you use it in a print newsletter! (I use it in my newsletter... and I have the highest retention of ANY newsletter in my market!)
But we're not done yet. Not by a long shot.
I'm going the extra mile to make SURE this system will work for you as well -- or BETTER -- than it has for me.
That's why you're also going to get...
AT LAST... after more than a decade of testing, tweaking and perfecting... my PROVEN system reveals...
How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists!
Here’s how I made an extra $205,000 last year... working part-time from home with a list of only 130 people...
And why I believe that YOU can do it, too!
Dear Friend,
If you want to make an extra $100,000 (or more) this year only working a few hours a month from the comfort of your own home...
...then this will be one of the most exciting messages you’ve ever read.
Here’s what it’s all about:
I recently added up the income I brought in from my list over the last 12 months.
When I shared my results with a few veteran online marketers, they were completely blown away. (I’ll explain why in just a minute.)
They INSISTED I share my secrets for making more money than most doctors... while only working part-time from home... and with NO employees.
To give you a brief glimpse of how I did this, here’s the breakdown of the extra side money I made:
- First offer of a specialized 8-week program - $45,000 (9 attendees x $5,000)
- Second offer of a specialized 8-week program - $80,000 (10 attendees x $8,000)
- Two-day "bootcamp" event - $80,000 (8 attendees x $10,000)
That’s a total of $205,000 from just three programs. And a small investment of my time averaging only about 3 hours a week for 24 weeks. (That means I only worked at this half the year.)
And ZERO dollars invested in advertising and marketing.
Now here’s the thing that blew away even the most experienced online marketers...
That $205,000 Was Generated From A List Of Only 130 People!
Which means, on average, I make $1,576.92/year per person on my list.
And that's just from those three extra one-time programs. I’m not including subscription, consulting, copywriting, royalty and equity income generated from this list in the previous 12 months.
If I were to include that other income, my number would jump up to $4,269.23/year per person on my list. (Give or take a few pennies.)
Heck, even the $1,576.92 per person I’m getting is UNHEARD of compared to the results of most other info marketers.
Here’s Why This Is Important To YOU...
I did all this stumbling around in the dark for almost a decade, screwing up time after time and learning as I went. The hard way – by making almost ALL the possible mistakes.
That’s why I’m convinced that almost anybody can do this. And you can probably even do it BETTER than I have.
Because if you're willing to invest the sweat equity to get this system working for you...
You can create anything from a "side hustle" car payment or mortgage payment income... to an extra SIX-FIGURES (or more!) this year... only working part time from home.
And in just a minute, I'll tell you all about it.
But first, it's time to bust a big myth.
Conventional thinking says that to make a lot of money with an email list you need a lot of subscribers.
Not so, dear friend, not so.
I’m proof that you don’t need a huge email list to make six-figures (or more!) a year. You can do this with a teeny tiny list. (Like I said, mine was only 130 people.)
Heck, you can do this starting today... even if you have...
No List At All!
But you gotta know my secret strategy for making big money from small lists.
And that’s EXACTLY what you now have the opportunity to discover.
Because I’m going to give you all the information, tools and guidance you need to do it.
I’m SUPER excited about sharing everything with you. However, I’m not gonna “hard sell” you on this.
If I have to do that, I’m not talking to the right person.
Because this isn't some "magic online money button" like you've probably been pitched in the past by folks of questionable ethics.
It's a proven business system you can incorporate into your existing business to make more money from your best, and highest paying, customers by providing high fee services.
And yes, if you're willing to invest the time and effort, you can also use this to start a new business.
This Is NOT "Money Falls From The Sky Effortlessly!"
It's simple, yes.
But easy?
Not exactly. It takes some focused effort. (After more than 30 years I've not found anything in business to be "easy.)
So if you're a person who only dreams but never does... and you want money to magically fall out of the sky... don't waste your time reading even one more word.
That's why I'm not gonna "hard sell" you on this. Because that attracts the wannabees who only dream but never do.
Instead, I’ll tell you three things:
1. What it’s all about...
2. Who it’s for... and...
3. Who it’s NOT for...
First of all, here’s what it’s all about:
Last year I tested a new marketing system that worked better than anything I’ve EVER done.
Like I said, even though I made a bunch of mistakes, it brought in an extra $205,000 with only a handful of emails sent to a list of just 130 people.
Since then, I've learned from my mistakes. And I've tested and tweaked to get it working even BETTER.
Now it's working so darn well, I’ll NEVER go back to the old way of doing things.
That explains why -- unlike most info marketers -- I rarely come out with new products anymore. I'm so thrilled with this new and improved way of making money... and it's so darn profitable... it has replaced almost EVERYTHING.
And I’m confident it will work just as well for you, too.
In fact, if you do what I say, you can do even better than I have.
Although the only way we can know that for sure is if you get the chance to learn it from me firsthand.
That’s why I’m willing to walk you through my entire system... step-by-step... from start to finish... with a new program called...
How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists!

I’m excited because I'm going to help you get this system set up and making money for YOU as fast as possible. So, if you're willing to invest the effort, you can cram copious quantities of cashola into your soon-to-be considerable coffers.
If you choose to join me in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists I'm going to reveal my entire system to you... A to Z.
That way you, too, can make any income you desire.
Anything from a couple thousand a month (car payment / mortgage payment income)... up to even a hefty 6-figure income.
And you can do that working only part-time from the comfort of your own home... doing work that's simple, fun and rewarding.
Even better... it helps your clients conquer urgent and important "pain point" problems.
I'm going to provide you with EVERYTHING you need to make this system work for YOU... so you can start enjoying the money and FREEDOM that offering a high value service gives you!
Take me up on this offer today and here's everything you’ll get...

Video Module 1 - Charting The Course
You'll see exactly how to determine how much income you need to create your dream lifestyle.
Then, how to create that income using my proven system. (It's the fastest way I know to get you from where you are now... to where you WANT to be.)

Video Module 2 - Market Selection
If you don't get this part right, you'll wind up spinning your wheels and only making a fraction of the money you could, and SHOULD, be making. (You'll discover my "ace-up-the-sleeve" secret for making SURE you choose a proven and INSANELY profitable market.)

Video Module 3 - How To Develop The Perfect Offer
You'll see how I develop high-ticket offers that will have people lined up and BEGGING you to take their money.

Video Module 4 - Lead Generation
You'll discover the very best ways to get traffic and attract high paying clients. If you don't yet have a list, you'll discover the most effective way to build one FAST.
Even better... I'll show you how to do it if you only have a "bootstrap" budget. (I've done it with a budget of ZERO.)

Video Module 5 - How To Convert Your Leads
This has been the most counterintuitive thing I've discovered. Because the less you do... the more leads you convert into high-paying clients.
In fact, since I've honed this part of the system, I've gotten 90% conversion on the last two programs I promoted. And I've distilled this down to a simple and easy-to-follow script that ANYBODY can use. (This process and script work so darn well... and it's so EFFORTLESS... you'll throw out all the other stuff you've tried in the past.)

Video Module 6 - Clients... What To Do With Them, How To Keep 'em Happy... And How To Keep 'em
If you're worried about what to do with your clients once you get them, worry no more. Now you'll know EXACTLY what to do. And how to get results that'll keep 'em sticking around... and giving you more and more money! Because you're helping them solve their most vexing "pain point" problems. (These are the secrets I WISH I had back when I was first starting out... 'cuz I could've made a LOT more money... with a lot less effort.)
But that's not all. I’m also including something I’ve NEVER revealed before...

Behind The Scenes Secrets Of Profitable Newsletter Publishing!
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again...
Everything good that has happened... and is happening in my business... is a direct result of my newsletter.
And I do mean EVERYTHING.
Yes, a good "ole skool" newsletter. Delivered as God intended it to be delivered... in paper & ink.
Although nowadays, almost nobody understands how to make a newsletter work. And those very few who do are staying tight lipped about it.
Still, there’s a FORTUNE to be made with a newsletter... if you know how.
I do.
And soon, you will too... when you join me in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists.
I’m gonna pull back the curtain and show you my super successful newsletter publishing/membership business.
Including the behind-the-scenes secrets for making the REALLY big money.
I’m not talking about the subscription income from your newsletter. (Although the recurring income is nice.) I mean the 5-figure, 6-figure -- and even 7-figure! -- deals a real paper & ink newsletter can generate for you.
Listen, NOBODY in the marketing world has ever revealed this stuff outside their closed door "inner circle." Because there are only a handful of us "ole skool" grizzled veterans left alive who know how to do it. (And nobody else wants to let the cat outta the bag.)
I had to learn it all the hard way.
But you don’t.
I’ll let you in on every last detail when you decide to join with me in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists.
But that's not all. You'll also get...

Superhero Writing Secrets!
I've written a lot of stuff over the years about copywriting. I've also shared a lot of the editorial/content writing secrets I've learned over the past two and a half decades.
But this is something new.

- All my PROVEN copy templates to make this system work for YOU! Emails, website copy, my CRAZY high-converting script... EVERYTHING! All the stuff written, tested and used by me to make an extra 6-figures a year... working only part-time. You get it all! (Simply make a few tweaks, adapt the copy for your offer... and you'll be ready to launch in no time at all.)
- My virtual guidance - On the video modules I’ll lead you through the entire system, A-to-Z. You'll see how to customize everything for your business... so you can start putting money in your pocket as soon as possible!
- You'll get to "eavesdrop" on open counseling Q&A sessions. These are the sessions I did for my coaching clients who invested $6,000 to go through this program with me. And now you can hear how to overcome many of the challenges and fears you'll face as you move forward with this. (And you'll know that all of your concerns and feelings are completely normal.)
Listen, I don't want you to miss out of all these great moneymaking strategies and tactics. So in a minute, I'll tell you how you can get in on this right away.
However, before we do that, I need to tell you something important:
I bet you get pitched all kinds of bogus “make a million dollars per minute” schemes these days.
Probably on a daily basis.
But this ain’t one of ‘em. This is specialized stuff and it’s not for everybody.
Like I mentioned earlier... it's not for do-nothing dreamers who expect money to fall out of the sky. Because even though this system is simple... it takes some focused effort.
So let me tell you...
Who This Program Is For...
- Coaches, consultants, authors and speakers...
- People who sell any kind of information products...
- People who have any kind of high value skill that helps others...
- People willing to do a little part-time work to make an extra 6-figure income each year...
- People who are willing to talk with other human beings - as opposed to hiding behind their computer and only sending emails.
Who This Program Is NOT For...
Listen, this is a PROVEN system. One I've invested decades of my life and hundreds of thousands of dollars into figuring out.
And since it has such an extremely high value -- because you can use it to make as much money as you desire -- and create the kind of lifestyle you've always dreamed about... it ain't exactly cheap.
The Price Will NEVER Be Lower Than It Is Right Now!
You see, I’m sharing skills that have paid me almost a quarter of a MILLION dollars over the past 12 months! Simply from doing some fun part-time work.
Just a few months ago eight people paid me $6,000 for group coaching to get the EXACT same information you will soon get at a fraction of that cost.
Heck, even if I charged you $100,000... you second-mortgaged your home, sold all your earthly possessions... and sold so much of your blood plasma that you stumbled around like a hollow-eyed heroin addict... it would still be a screaming bargain.
In fact, if you don’t make back at least $100k in the next 12 months from your investment in this course, you’re just slacking off. (It works that well... IF you work it.)
But don’t worry. It ain’t gonna cost $100k. (Although it should.)
And you won't pay $6,000 like my recent coaching clients.
The fee is only $999. Only $199 with this special 80% discount... when you ORDER HERE before the timer at the top of this page goes to zero.
Yes, even though that's a HUGE discount, I realize it's still not exactly pocket change for some folks.
However, if you do what I say... your return on investment could be at LEAST 400 times that... in just the next 12 months!
And YES, it can work for you! Just like it has for these folks...
Here's What A Few "Salt Of The Earth" Folks Are Saying About My Strategies...
"$36,400 In Sales With A Tiny List... While On Vacation!"
"If you're not using Doberman Dan's email techniques you must hate capitalism. With just one past client who had a tiny list of 1,259 subscribers, I sold $36,400 worth of info products... while I was on vacation in Santa Barbara. That's how quick and easy his methods are to generate piles of cash."
- Sean Mysel, Dana Point, California
"$87,000/Year 'Auto-Pilot' Business Started In Only One Month!"
"After all the thousands I've invested in various courses and materials, Dan's advice has been the most valuable in helping me build a profitable health and fitness publishing company. His coaching allowed me to start a new business from my kitchen table with practically no capital… and create a part-time business in only one month, currently on track to make $87,000 its first year… completely on auto-pilot!"
- Chris Stella, Boston Massachusetts
"$12,500.00 Our First Month In Business!"
"Wow! Using just one of Dan's simple strategies, we made $12,500.00 our first month in business. And we're barely getting warmed up. Doberman Dan is the real deal, and if you have a chance to learn from him, you are a fool if you don't take it."
- Brocton Rye, CEO Steam Engine Solutions,
"More Progress In 3 Months Than The Last YEAR!"
"Just wanted to say that I have accomplished more in the last 3 months with your coaching than I have in the last year. You have given me the inspiration, hope, support and friendly kick in the arse I've needed to get done what I've need to do, to launch in the next month or so. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart."
- Adam Bonola, Sydney Australia
"Almost $2 Million My First Year!"
"With Dan’s guidance I launched a new business the very end of last year. It has grown quickly and in my first full year in business I did a little under $2 million. If you ever get the opportunity to work with Doberman Dan I highly recommend you take it."
- Kevin Wichtendahl, Adel, Iowa
"Over $5.5 Million In Annual Sales!"
"Your newsletter and advice have helped me build my online auto parts business to over $5.5 million in annual sales. I believe any industry can take your easy and powerful strategies and apply them to grow their business. You are definitely an outside-the-box thinker. It's a breath of fresh air to learn from someone out there applying the strategies they are teaching, and not someone who's just a talking head out to take my money. I can tell you really care about your clients."
- Brian Hanson, Jacksonville, Florida
"TRIPLED Our Sales In Only 12 Months!"
"We only had time to implement two of the unique programs Dan provided us to boost sales and profits. Even with the limited time we had to invest, within the past 12 months we're just a tad shy of TRIPLING our sales."
- Steve Young and Mike Ledeboer - A.S. Research Labs
Look, none of these people have any advantages over you.
That's why I'm 100% confident that this will work for you, too. IF you're the type of person willing to study the materials and invest the elbow grease into implementing this system.
Remember, I told you I’m not gonna sell you hard on this.
So there’s no hard close...
No “putting you at a crossroads”...
No summary of benefits...
No long list of bonuses with hyper inflated values...
No strong arming you...
None of that crap.
If you truly understand the value of what I'm offering you today, there's no need for any of that.
If you're ready to get started generating an extra SIX-FIGURES a year by adding this system to your business... here's what you need to do next...
Click the button below to get INSTANT ACCESS to How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists...
Immediately after your order is approved, you’ll be enrolled into a private password protected membership site.
Your username and password will be sent to you by email so you can get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this proven system.
Then you’re ready to go! And you can start using all this material right away to create your very own “money machine.”
One more thang:
You'll FEEL GREAT about your decision to join me in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists... because you can...
Try It RISK FREE For 60 Days!

Take your time and go through the entire program at your leisure.
Access all the training modules...
Download all the handouts...
Download and swipe all the sales copy templates...
There's no rush. You have a full 60 days to go through everything.
See it all for yourself... put it into action... heck, go ahead and start making money with it.
THEN you can decide if it's right for you.
If you don't feel that How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists is everything I've promised in this letter... simply send an email to Jackie or Briana in Customer Support within 60 days and...
I'll Refund Every Single Penny You Invested!
No hassles, no run-around... and we'll still part as friends.
I can't make it any more risk free than that. That's why you can feel 100% confident about investing in this program.
However, you don't have much time left to make up your mind.
Like I said earlier, I rarely come out with any new products. Because I no longer have to.
This new model -- the one I'm revealing in How To Make BIG Money From Small Lists -- works so darn well... I'm no longer dependent on creating a never-ending stream of new products and launches like LMMs (lesser mortal marketers) and info publishers.
Also, I don't want to flood the market with a small army of Doberman Dan clones.
That's why I need to restrict this to a small group of people who are serious about putting it into practice. That way you can create the dream life you've always wanted with all the extra money that'll soon be FLOODING into your bank account.
So if you miss out now...
You'll Have Missed Out BIG Time!
You see, by not getting started immediately... you could be losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra income every year... literally.
In addition to that, I've learned something about successful people.
When presented with the right opportunity... successful people take action NOW.
ANY action.
As a matter of fact...
I’ve Seen MILLIONS Made From Even "Wrong" Actions... But I’ve Never Seen ANYTHING Good Come From Inaction!
You see, the people who make this world go ‘round...
The ones who make their dreams come true...
The folks who are FREE... financially, mentally and spiritually... are the decision makers.
On the other hand... the people who live lives of quiet desperation...
The ones who are always broke...
The sad and sorry folks who have to look down at the floor in shame and tell their family... "I'm sorry but we just don't have the money"...
... while enduring the kicked-in-the-gut humiliation you feel when you see the look of disappointment on your spouse's face... and your childrens' faces....
The people who die with the music still inside them... are the people who have to “think about it.”
And really, "I need to think about it" is just an excuse.
It's a way of letting your fears stop you from doing something that could transform your current life into the lifestyle of your DREAMS.
And potentially make you RICH!
So right now... you have a decision to make:
You need to decide what kind of person you are.
If you’re not prepared to be successful, I wish you God's speed on your journey with the very limited time you have remaining on this planet.
However, if you ARE ready to be successful... and you want to create the life you've always dreamed about... then I invite you to do THIS:
Click the yellow button below and take part in this breakthrough training with me while you still can.
As soon as you click the button above you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to How To Make Big Money From Small Lists.
That way you can start putting this system to use RIGHT AWAY to create your part-time, work-from-home, 6-figure income.
I'm looking forward to working with you!
Click here NOW to get in on this special offer... before it's too late.
All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S: If you’re serious about making something AMAZING happen in your life this year... this is going to be the most impactful and PROFITABLE thing you’ve EVER done.
Click the button below now... or risk losing out FOREVER.
Pax vobiscum.
- First and foremost, this is most definitely not for the DDDDs (delusional dopamine dependent dreamers.) These are the opportunity seeker types who think they can put up a website, send a couple emails and get rich by the end of the week.
- People who sell scammy “get rich quick” and shady biz-op stuff. (Ever notice that the less than ethical folks who do this have never been successful in any legitimate venture... other than selling fraudulent get rich quick crap?)
- People who want to hide behind their computer and not interact with real living, breathing human beings...
- People who only want to sell products as affiliates...
- People who are constantly stuck in “information gathering” mode but never actually start anything. (Look, if you’ve been lurking in this Internet Marketing world for a while, that’s okay. Just as long as you’re ready to actually start creating something for your future NOW.)
Your 80% discount expires in...
However... lets get something straight right up front before we go any further: